Increase Your Admissions Chances

Highlight Your Unique Personality

Submit a Standout College Application

For students applying for the Fall 2024 admissions cycle

Here's The Best Way to Maximize Your College Admissions Chances

Reserve Your Application Review today!

Grab your spot for $1597.

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New price $1597

Limited Time Bonus 🎉

Essay Writing Workshop

The dos and don'ts of college essays.

Brainstorming personal stories.

Mapping out the essay structure.

Selecting the ideal prompt for your child.

Live Q&A to get all your questions answered.

Every year my students enroll into:

Dr. Agnia Grigas

Author & Admissions Consultant

Founder of College Admissions Secrets

If your teen is a rising senior, please read this message carefully...

In just a few months, your teen will begin working on their college application (if they haven't started yet!)

This includes:

  • Making a college list.

  • Filling out the common app.

  • Writing the college essay.

So to ensure your teen is submitting the best possible application...

An application that your teen feels confident about submitting...

An application that says this is who I am, and this is what I have to offer...

I've opened spots for a highly requested service...

🎉 Application Review! 🎉

This program is for rising seniors who want to improve their chances of admission by avoiding costly mistakes in the application.

Mistakes like:

  • Listing activities in the wrong order...

  • Making story and positioning mistakes in the essay...

  • And even having the wrong targets on their college list.

There are countless mistakes that can lead to bad admissions outcomes!

Fortunately, you can now leverage my expertise to help you secure those admissions letters and open new opportunities for your teen.

Increase Your Admissions Chances

Highlight Your Unique Personality

Submit a Standout College Application

What is a 360 Application Review?

Each year I get countless requests from parents to review their teen's application...

This request baffles me because it comes AFTER the family submitted the application—and more often than not—after the student received a few rejection letters.

This is like getting help with your taxes after getting fined by the IRS—not ideal for anyone…

Especially when this situation

can be avoided altogether!

Once your teen has their college application ready you have two options:

  1. To submit the application for expert review.

  1. To take a leap of faith and submit the application directly to colleges.

With the future of our children at stake on ONE application, my advice always is...

To NEVER submit an application

without a review.

In fact, there are many options out there...

  • You could ask an English teacher to review the application, they can ensure everything is well written, but they lack admissions experience...

  • You could also ask the school counselor, they have experience but are often packed reviewing hundreds of applications from students…

  • Or you can get my personalized help!

After 20 years of helping students enroll in top competitive colleges, I know exactly what the most competitive colleges are looking for...

As well as the most common application mistakes students make—and most importantly—how to avoid and fix these mistakes to ensure a winning application.

What if the Application Isn't Ready Yet?

The college application deadline for ED/EA is November 1st.

This means, by the end of the summer...

Your teen has around 60 days to submit their college application.

My advice is to have EVERYTHING ready before the start of Senior Year.

This is why families started booking their spots for the 360 Application Review in April.

By August/September chances are I will be fully booked and it will be too late.

What Other Families Say About Dr. Grigas

How Does the Application Review work?

Step 1: Personalized 360 Application Review

I begin working through all application materials.

This includes an in-depth analysis of the student's:

  • Brand and Positioning.

  • Transcript and Curriculum.

  • Standardized Test Scores.

  • Activities List.

  • Honors List.

  • College and Major Goals.

Step 2: College Essay Review

The second step is the College Essay Review.

This review goes beyond simple grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes...

It focuses on the strategic elements of the essay including:

  • Alignment with Student Brand and Cohesiveness.

  • Essay Structure and Storytelling

  • Copyediting and Proofreading

Step 3: Get Your Multipage Feedback Report

After going through the application assets I put my notes together into a simple and actionable report for your teen.

You'll receive this report after 7 days of submitting your materials.

This is a multipage document where I go over:

  • Application strengths and weaknesses.

  • Step-by-step refinement steps.

  • Essay corrections and recommendations.

  • College goals assessment and recommendations.

Step 4: Make Your Changes and Submit!

Your student makes the suggested changes by following the step-by-step instructions in the report.

They also review and accept all: Changes, suggestions, edits, and comments in their essay.

And finally, they are ready to submit their Common App with confidence! 🎉

How to Get Started?

Click the blue button to sign up for an application review TODAY and reserve your spot.

Once your teen gets all application materials readyin August, September, October, or even November—they can submit them for review.

I want to encourage you to take action at the RIGHT time.

Most families don't take any action until it's too late—which creates unnecessary problems and complications that can be fatal to securing admissions.

I want to incentivize you to plan ahead and be strategic about your teen's application.

That's why I'm opening spots for an Application Review today!

The investment is a single payment of $1597.

Keep in mind that, as the deadline approaches, the fee will continue to increase.

If this is something you KNOW your student needs—I highly suggest taking advantage now, while the price is still low.

You can do that by clicking the blue button below.

To your child's success,

About Dr. Agnia Grigas

Dr. Agnia Grigas is an author, college admissions consultant, and education expert.

She graduated from Columbia University with her BA in Economics and Political Science, then received her Master's and Doctorate degrees in International Relations from the University of Oxford in England.

She’s the founder of College Admissions Secrets, a leading admissions consultancy based in Los Angeles that helps students gain admission to highly competitive and selective colleges in the United States.

She's the author of the National Best Selling book "How to Win the Million Dollar College Admissions Game."

Her students have gotten into all of the leading U.S. universities, including the Ivy League — and have gained as much as a million dollars in scholarships granted to their name.

A frequent media contributor, she has appeared in Forbes, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, FT, Bloomberg, Reuters, CNN, BBC, and others.

As a speaker, she is represented by the Harry Walker Agency in the United States and HiCue Speakers internationally.


  • Program Delivery

    Dr. Agnia Grigas will provide a multi-page report and copyediting delivered electronically with a one-time review within 7 days of receiving all materials. This service does not include 1-on-1 sessions.

  • Priority Access

    Your purchase grants you priority access to the essay writing program when new spots open. For more details see the Frequently Asked Questions below.

  • Price Increase

    Secure your spot now for $1597. The price may increase by July 1st.

Order Summary

1. Specialized 360 Application Review

  • Student Brand and Positioning Review.

  • Transcript Review.

  • Standardized Test Scores Review.

  • Activities List Review.

  • Honors List Review.

  • Major Selection Review.

2. Common App Essay Review

  • Review for Student Brand and Cohesiveness.

  • Storytelling and Structure Feedback.

  • Copyediting and Proofreading.

3. Multi-page Report

  • Strengths and Weaknesses Breakdown.

  • Analysis of Application Materials.

  • Improvement Recommendations.

  • Actionable Refinement Steps.


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Prabhakar Raju Konduru

We came to Dr. Grigas late in the process as we felt that there was something lacking in my son's essay; they didn’t seem to showcase his unique personal narrative. And we couldn’t figure out how to help him.

She pushed my son to show his sense of humor, compassion, and emotion in his essays. She dug deep and encouraged him to reflect on his life and experiences thus far.

The results were nothing short of phenomenal!

We are forever grateful to Dr. Grigas for helping my son with his best common app essay and supplements.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an application review?

This is a targeted, impactful service designed for rising seniors who want to avoid costly mistakes in their college applications so they can improve their chances of admission.

You will receive a detailed multi-page assessment of the student's college application materials via Google Docs and email.

Who is this service for?

The application review is ideal for rising seniors who are finishing their applications and can benefit from expert guidance to refine their applications before the fall 2024 deadlines.

What's included?

1. Specialized 360 Application Review

- Student Brand and Positioning Review.

- Activities List Review.

- Honors List Review.

- Transcript Review.

- Standardized Test Scores Review.

- Major Selection Review.

2. Common App Essay Review

- Review for Student Brand and Cohesiveness.

- Storytelling and Structure Feedback.

- Copyediting and Proofreading.

3. Multi-page Report

- Analysis of Application Materials.

- Improvement Recommendations.

- Strengths and Weaknesses Breakdown.

- Actionable Refinement Steps.

Who conducts the application review?

Unless specified otherwise, all of our services are conducted by expert admissions consultant Dr. Agnia Grigas.

FAQ image

What is the cost of this service?

The investment is a single payment of $1597.

Price may increase by July 1st.

How many reviews do I get?

The application review program includes a single review of your materials.

You will receive a detailed feedback report with step-by-step instructions along with the essay review via email.

What is the refund policy for this service?

Due to the personalized nature of this service and the limited spots available, the enrollment fee is non-refundable once your spot is reserved.

How is this different from your coaching programs?

This application review is a focused, one-time review without ongoing coaching. Perfect for students who need strategic insights without a longer-term commitment.

We're interested in full coaching and essay writing help, is that an option?

Our comprehensive coaching program is currently full. However, participants of this review service will get priority access when we open additional spots.

The fee paid for this service will be credited as a deposit toward the full coaching program if you decide you need more comprehensive guidance.

Does the review include supplemental essays?

Universities have different requirements for supplemental essays so these are not included as part of the program, however, they can be included in your package for an additional fee.

For more information, please email us at

Will you review my child's UC application?

Yes, if your student is applying to any of the UC Universities (Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, etc.) I will review the activities and honors list, along with the four short essays.

How do I get started?

Complete your order by clicking the button below and completing the checkout form.

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